iRest Instructors' Development Course

Calgary, Alberta : September 2008 through May 2009


Dyad Scripts

Here you will find an archive of iRest / Yoga Nidra scripts by our classmates and guest presenters.


iRest Dyads
by Anne Douglas
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Seminar 1: Making Dyads Simple

  1. Ask dyad partner if they have something specific (sensation, emotion, belief) they would like to work with. If not, simply ask them what is present right now (this could be a sensation, emotion, thought, belief or image).

  2. What ever they answer, ask them if there is a corresponding feeling in the body and if they can locate it.

  3. Play with the instructions of "Locate", "Feel", "Describe". Find words that feel right for! Have fun! :-)

  4. Once time is up(it is best to be clear of timing up front), inform your partner that you are going to move into "integration".

  5. Recap the highlights of their experience.

  6. Ask "Given all of this, is there a knowing that arises/bubbles up?" or "Given all of this, what is present now?"

  7. Ask "Is there anything you need to say or do to feel complete"

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