Gwen Mackenzie
Welcome to my home practice video library. You can download these programs to view on your computer or iPod.
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Lower Body Rolling
For these excerises, you'll need two pieces of equipment: a tennis ball and a foam roller or bolster. |
Exercise 1: Rolling the Feet
Gwen leads Dagmar Viberg through a sequence of fascial releases on the soles of the feet.
When performing this exercise, be sure you are standing beside a wall, chair or table in case you need to correct your balance.
To download the video, right-click or control-click the link for your type of computer.
Choose "Save" or "Download Linked File" from the pop-up menu.
Once downloaded, double-click file to play in QuickTime or iTunes
Recorded: February 28, 2009
Running time: approx. 4 minutes 30 seconds |
Exercsie 2: Rolling the Glutes
Gwen shows where to concentrate when rolling the glutes; Dagmar then demonstrates.
Recorded: February 28, 2009
Running time: approx. 2 minutes 30 seconds |
Exercsie 3: Rolling the Hip Flexors
Gwen leads Dagmar deep into the flexor fibres.
Recorded: February 28, 2009
Running time: approx. 2 minutes 10 seconds |
Exercsie 4: Rolling the Low Back
Gwen shows where to concentrate when rolling from the spine toward the abdominal attachments.
Recorded: February 28, 2009
Running time: approx. 3 minutes 10 seconds |
Exercsie 5: Passive Psoas and Hip Flexor Release
Gwen leads Dagmar through a series of passive stretches over the foam roller.
Recorded: February 28, 2009
Running time: approx. 2 minutes |
Video content Copyright © 2009 by The Body Garden; website text Copyright © 2009 by Zendu.org |