iRest Calgary Kula
Founded September 2009 by Barbara Eastham in Calgary, Alberta
Here you will find an archive of iRest / Yoga Nidra scripts and recordings by our participants. |
To play a recording in your web browser, click the highlighted title.
To download for your iPod or MP3 player, right-click or control-click the title, Choose "Save" or "Download Linked File" and then import into iTunes or Windows Media Player.
Click here for instructions on loading audios into your iPod or MP3 player.
Note: downloads can be slow; patience will arise as you wait a few minutes before re-trying.
Still having problems? Email the webmaster (David Maulsby) with your questions. |
May 2012 |
This iRest yoga nidra session explores the sensations, memories and beliefs associated with birthdays, pointing the way to that which does not change through the passage of years.
Presenter: Claudia Istvanffy
Authorship: Outline: Calgary iRest Kula; Text: Claudia Istvanffy
Recorded: May 8, 2012 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 46 minutes
March 2012 |
In this iRest yoga nidra session, we explore sensations in the physical body.
Presenter: Joan Quade
Recorded: March 13, 2012 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 33 minutes
May 2011 |
Anne Douglas
Advancing the Practice of Dyads
Question & Answer Session
Recorded May 17, 2011
Running time: 1 hr 32 minutes
Summary of Q&A Session (document)
Example Dyad
Recorded May 17, 2011
Running time: 15 minutes
Note: Due to a technical problem, the recording ends prematurely.
Dyad Facilitation Outline
Updated May 2011
May 2011 |
Richard Miller Talks
from the November 2010 Level II Training in Austin TX
Friday - Part One
Delivered November 8, 2010 by Richard Miller
Running time: 44 minutes
Friday - Part Two
Delivered November 8, 2010 by Richard Miller
Running time: 38 minutes
April 2011 |
Delivered May 26, 2009 by Richard Miller
Running time: 29 minutes
Note: This recording includes copyrighted musical content; please do not distribute.
March 2011 |
iRest Yoga Nidra Sessions
from the November 2010 Level II Training in Austin TX
Notes on the Practices
Richard Miller's comments on the design of this set of iRest practices
Compiled by Barbara Eastham
Sunday Night
Delivered November 7, 2010 by Richard Miller
Running time: 44 minutes
Monday Night
Delivered November 8, 2010 by Richard Miller
Running time: 53 minutes
Tuesday Night
Delivered November 7, 2010 by Richard Miller
Running time: 53 minutes
Delivered November 7, 2010 by Kelly Boys
Running time: 42 minutes
Delivered November 7, 2010 by Richard Miller
Running time: 51 minutes
March 2011 |
Dyad Demonstrations
from the November 2010 Level II Training in Austin TX
February 9, 2011 |
An experimental presentation of the full iRest protocol with minimal spoken words, using instead chimes and singing bowls to hold the space and cue the practitioner. Oriented toward practitioners who are already familiar with the protocol.
Presenter: David Maulsby
Recorded: February 9, 2011 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 35 minutes
February 16, 2010 |
Presenter: Paula Fayerman
Recorded: February 16, 2010 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 41 minutes
February 2, 2010 |
In this iRest yoga nidra session, we explore feelings and beliefs around the exchange of blessings.
Presenter: Joan Quade
Recorded: February 2, 2010 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 32 minutes
January 19, 2010 |
An experimental yoga nidra session incorporating sounds from a brass bowl and chimes tuned to chakrik frequencies. This practice seems to activate the body's energy centers, yet also leads to deep stillness.
Presenter: David Maulsby
Recorded: January 19, 2010 at the home of Joan Quade
Running time: 45 minutes (incl. 11 minutes of silence at the end)
December 15, 2009 |
A complete practice presented to the Calgary iRest Kula.
Presenter: Erin Michie
Recorded: December 15, 2009 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: approx. 44 minutes
October 21, 2009 |
A simple, relaxing practice that wanders up and down the body along energy lines.
Presenter: David Maulsby
Recorded: October 21, 2009 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 30 minutes
October 6, 2009 |
A simple, relaxing practice that wanders up and down the body along energy lines.
Presenter: Barbara Eastham
Recorded: October 6, 2009 at the home of Barbara Eastham
Running time: 49 minutes
Link to Calgary iRest Instructors Development Course |